

Book review: Marco Marcassola – Last Love Parade (ITA)

This review is in Italian. It first appeared on – but i think this place is better suited for “techno related” stuff. Enjoy Marco Marcassola – Last Love Parade è un libro anomalo per Non c’è miglioramento personale,…

Music Tutorial Channel I am following

Oscar Underdog, Great videos! Oscar is one of the best out there – Yalcin Efe – Mercurial Tones Academy – Ableton tutorial, she is one of my fave – While it s not always on point and you…

week 16.2022 what I am listening to

Techno Techno comes in many different breed, but Emmanuel Top has been delivering incredible stuff since…. forever. I really like its approach: his track are kinda “easy” and not over complex, but woooow they are timeless. So last week i…

The Flow State in Djing…

My two cents about dj playing with vinyls or doing proper liveset vs dj pressing play on mp3 play.The flow state is the highest form of fulfillment you can reach. you can reach when dancing, when listening to music, when…

Low Entropy’s List of 90s Hardcore Bandcamps

Low Entropy is a very famous German breakcore / speecore . He is also very active as an author, and i really appreciate that. His blog deserve full attention, as he post MUCH more frequently than me. Low Entropy Blog:…

Diary of an old-aged Newbie: Shall we start again?

As you might know from this page bio, i started listening to “techno” (eurodance, trance, rave, hardtrance, progressive) even before I started producing hardcore (around 96-97) and speedcore, music genre for which i m known. I still like Core, but…

Upgrading website has been registered in Jan 2002. Since then a LOT of thing happened. I ve started and closed many projects, I ve grown up and got old 🙂 That is normal that genkisound is changing with me. What i…

5 Questions to Art of Fighters & Unexist

Rotello –  Hello Guys, I am kinda excited to speak with you: you have been producing and dj since the 90s and you have seen a lot of fashion coming and go. I would like to speak about the present…

Music sales from 1973 to 2019 in a Graph

Taken from: !/vizhome/MakeoverMonday2020W21-MusicIndustrySales/Dashboard2 Numbers are adjusted for inflaction, they are USD, and I am not even sure it is worldwide or just Usa. 🙁 But Some consideration The Tape age lasted long but was never really leading the sales, which…

Pete Namlooks: Essential Tracks

In a group I am following (and loving) there was this question: “(about Pete Namlocks)What’s your recommendations on a good album or series to start with?” The replies were incredible, and of coz they were not only “album to start…

Merging Websites

In march 2020 I decided to Merge the main website and the shop. There might be some broken link here and there. I ll correct them over time ( i m keeping a log for them and fix weekly): meanwhile…