Taken from: https://public.tableau.com/profile/luisa6565#!/vizhome/MakeoverMonday2020W21-MusicIndustrySales/Dashboard2
Numbers are adjusted for inflaction, they are USD, and I am not even sure it is worldwide or just Usa. 🙁
But Some consideration
- The Tape age lasted long but was never really leading the sales, which is interesting coz it ‘s challenging my perception.
- People who sold CDs from mid 90 to mid 00 made a LOT of money
- You don’t earn from selling music
- Streaming is getting larger and larger… but that is bad, bit for our planet (the C02 footprint of streming is already as bad as CD production)
- Vynil still have their small niche of buyers
- Streaming is really the right way to monetize or there is better way? (hint: check the following video)