has been registered in Jan 2002. Since then a LOT of thing happened. I ve started and closed many projects, I ve grown up and got old 🙂
That is normal that genkisound is changing with me.
What i am gonna do with Genkisound
- Changing theme, using wordpres + Elementor – not the best choice, loading time wise, but best for easy of doing it
- Adding a section called Core.Patternz which I am sure you will like
- The change from previous theme to the new bound me to switch from Easy Digital Download to Woocommerce
- I ll use this to clean the database and create some custom page
- I hope to start doing some live streaming
- When you buy a Music File Source (Xrns, MOD, Xm) you get a private access for clients. At the moment each file has its own page: the function has not been so used so. I am thinking of putting all togheter.
- Image by: Photo by Elviss Railijs Bitāns from Pexels