About Us
Genkisound.com had many lives, but each of them was following the idea to expand music
Aiutiami produttori & Dj a trovare ispirazione e nuova linfa vitale. Non importa che tu sia un rookie e non sai dove partire o un veterano che non riesce più a liberarsi dalle catene del proprio successo, Core.Patterns fa al caso tuo
Core.Patterns ha lo scopo di catalogare e mettere in relazioni idee, suoni e spunti musicali per ampliare la portata musicale delle tue produzioni.
Ci sporchiamo le orecchie noi a trovare le perle affinchè tu possa dedicare il tempo a produrre invece che sbattere la testa contro un muro.
1997- 2002: The XM age - Rotello on Geocities
Before Genkisound it was Rotello’s Homepage on Geocities. Page was built in Html, had a storage limit of 1 Mb of space and I had no internet at home. I was producing my tracks then I used to go to my University Labs to upload them. Many of my track were resampled at 8bit to save space (some at 4bit). As we says in Italy “I build a virtue around a need”… and basically the crunchy, industrial sound of Rotello was born in those years.
I was probably the first Italian using the word speedcore with modern sense.
2002- 2005: Rise of the Speedcore
Easly 2000 were great from a music stands of point. Speedcore was growing worldwide, and being on of the pioneer helped me to find gigs and build friendships. I bought a domain (genkisound) to speak “All things Rotello”. That means party news, pictures, sharing music, comments on new trackz and so on.
Website was done in ASP, the PhpNuke and then i moved to wordpress before it was a thing.
Having a full time job I had to take the decision: Keep it and retire from the scene or quit the job and doing music. I chose the path of semi-retirement and using weekend to party and or enjoying my other hobbies
2005- 2015: The silent years
I basically ritired from the scene before the speedcore scene arrived in Netherlands. Genkisound page was basically untouched for many years.
I kept listening music, discovering Old stuff, enjoying new sound (brostep got me, I can’t deny it). What I saw is that
2015- 2019: "Muscle awakening blog"
I Restared my own label (Analphabtik), this time as a net label and decided to move a step further, creating an Umbrella label (Genkisound) under which i distribute music.
Not only my labels, but also other people: the experimental / IDM label RTE, the reprint of OldSkool sound of Splitter Gewalt, the danish broken Meat Marionette.
The website has also been and experiment in Content Creation, SEO, Digital Marketing, self publishing. I discovered that the music scene is super alive in consuming content, and super lethargic in creation
2020- now : Genkisound & Core.Pattern - Rising the stakes
The idea of Core.Pattern has been around for more than a decade but only recently I decided to focus and spend some time
My plans for this phase are:
- Define a (better) taxonomy for electronic music
- Build a Electronic music map which is more reliable than Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music
- Build a database of forgotten pattern in techno music
- Pushing for music pollution
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While I cannot consider myself a “I love all music whatever the genre” kinda of guy, I am kinda confident to say that I like to listen and enjoy almost anything within the “electronic” niche.
Basically everything from Extratone (in small doses) down to psychill (in the backgorund while i work), passin’ through oldskool trance, Dub techno, full on, even EdmTrap or Moombahton.
There is a lot of shit around, true, but also a lot of good stuff and a lot of raw music that has the potential to be awesome. I like to discover music that touch something in me.
There are some genre I am kinda competent (*core, old skool trance), other which I am just a casual listener.
When and how i listen to music
I ve different context and modality to listen to music
- Listening “new stuff” (here youtube and wikipedia are a great help)
- Looking for great piece of music to inspire (I need 100% attention to it and I have very little time to do it well)
- Listening over and over the same album, to let the sound dig into me (Again i need some time just to do it, so I usually listen to older “safe” stuff, but I am finding a lot of nice mix also on Youtube)
- Background music at home with kids and family (here a radio is ok)
- Background music while i work (usually downtempo – no voice stuff)
For this very reason I am always happy when i discover new genres that are also good to listen while i work.
Why this blog?
I spoke about it in lenght in this article (Why am i Back? ), but basically:
- The music genre my mates and me (Milan speedcore Project) helped to shape rise in popularity and the disappeared in a shitty storm of useless track. I am sorry new generations cannot enjoy it.
- My love for music is still strong In a span of a year I meat a lot of my old gang and friends
- My passion is Personal development
- and my work is in Digital Marketing
What about combining these things together?
Music + Digital Marketing + Personal development
Do you even lift make music bro?
I am also a producer of Industrial and speedcore. I know the two genres are often shitty and a shame to “music”.
I have a small indipendent label (born in 2001, and remerged in 2017 as netlabel)
If you want to know about my Musical persona: Read Rotello Bio