We help Dj and Producers to get new inspiration. It is not important if you are a rookie and don’t know where to start or a veteran, we will provide patterns and idea to improve your music.
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This review is in Italian. It first appeared on cocooa.com – but i think this place is better suited for “techno related” stuff. Enjoy Marco Marcassola – Last Love Parade è un libro anomalo per Cocooa.com. Non c’è miglioramento personale,…
Oscar Underdog, Great videos! Oscar is one of the best out there – Yalcin Efe – Mercurial Tones Academy – Ableton tutorial, she is one of my fave – While it s not always on point and you…
Trance Essential Guide To Lost Language 2000-2004 – Johan N. Lecander Johan N Lecander has been one of my fave music tuber for years now: every week or so he make monographies of artists of label. This means he dig…
Techno Techno comes in many different breed, but Emmanuel Top has been delivering incredible stuff since…. forever. I really like its approach: his track are kinda “easy” and not over complex, but woooow they are timeless. So last week i…
My two cents about dj playing with vinyls or doing proper liveset vs dj pressing play on mp3 play.The flow state is the highest form of fulfillment you can reach. you can reach when dancing, when listening to music, when…
This week i ve listened a lot of different new & Old music, but none of them than a couple of time…I can say that Playlist has been on loop during my workdays. It start with some incredible trance from…
Techno Page 75: Diffused Signal for The Memoir, 2022. Hypnus is a way or another is always in my weekly listening shortlist. This super mix by Diffused Signal is 3 hours long, it s slow, atmospheric and hypnotic. very good…
This week has been kinda wicked, i had little time to sit on computer and do my usual deep work session and that reflected also on music. Ambient & Techno Underworld – Thing In A Book This is one of…