U.I. Project (Aka Rotello) – Tetsuo: Body Hammer .xm


Originally released on Sonic Pollution 002 Vinyl / Epsilon rmx on TerrorNoize Industries 6 vynil / Mr.Q8 rmx on SplitterBlast 34.

SKU: genki100x Categories: ,

234 Bpm Gabba Track. This is the live version of the track that appeared on Sonic Pollution 002.

Later it has been remixed by Epsilon, and appeared on TerrorNoize Industries 6.

And again by Mr.Q8 on SplitterBlast 34.

(Full discogs link here).

As all my releases under the U.I. Project it features a huge bassdrum and a track structure more similiar to oldskool hardcore than industrial.

What you get:

.Xm File +  access to Private Area for questions to author,


Some images of the file (Fast Tracker II)